VALWO s.r.o. company, with headquarter in Cesky Tesin is widely known and recognized supplier of the highest quality industrial armature. The accuracy of design and compatibility with the strictest standards are the features appreciated all over the world. That’s why VALWO units are burdened with huge responsibility – they protect human’s live in high risk conditions
counseling, audit, training
project, selection and delivery of facilities
instalation, launch, survey, service
analysis, expertises, risk assessment, EPD
Our offer includes in particular:
The assessment of explosion hazard, HAZOP analysis, EPD an explosion protection document and explosion risk assessment.
ATEX security concepts, installation inventory, study of dust and strength assessment.
Implementation of explosion vents and designing explosion protection systems.
3D modeling, ATEX trainings and presentations.
The basis of a proper performance of all appliances is providing an adequate servicing. In case of products offered by VALWO
the issue is of significant importance, as is connected directly with process safety.
As part of ours authorized service we provide::